5 Benefits of Cherry For Your Good Skin

5 Benefits of Cherry For Your Good Skin

5 Benefits of Cherry For Your Good Skin

Why Cherry?

Cherry fruit, surely you already know with the tiny red fruit. Which fruit is small this one indeed is often useful to beautify the cake. When in fact other than useful to beautify cherry fruitcake is also useful to beautify the skin of the face. Probably not many know about the benefits of a very nice cherry fruit for beauty skin face. This is caused because the cherry fruit contains a lot of antioxidants, Betakarotin, Lycophen, all of which were very useful to rejuvenate the skin. Moreover, in the cherry fruit there is vitamin A which is much higher in vitamin A compare of the fruit of a blueberry or strawberry. And for more good news, whatever be the merits of cherry fruit.

Here There Are 5 Benefits Of Cherry Fruit For Beauty Skin Face.

.       1.Rejuvenate Skin

If you want to have a face that always look young, drinking cherry juice routinely every day, because the content of Lycophen on cherry fruit is useful for facial skin beauty that is rejuvenating facial skin. So you face will remain youthful.

2. Prevents premature aging

The second benefits of cherry fruit for beauty skin face  IE can prevent premature aging. Premature aging is indeed becoming a scourge for any women. Certainly all women always want to look beautiful even always want to look younger than her age. However, if they have maalslah premature aging on the face they no doubt it is so mengganggung confidence. And by consuming juz cherry premature aging that will be a daunting tercegah. I've said above if Lycopen content in fruit cherry helpful to rejuvenate the skin, and it is to be one of the things that is able to prevent premature aging.

3. Eliminates acne

In addition to being able to prevent early aging cherry fruit is also able to remove acne. Acne is also one of concern on the face skin is also very disturbing appearance. Vitamin A and antibacterial properties that are contained in the cherry fruit is very useful to solve the problem of facial skin on this one. So if you want to have a beauty facial skin a natural cherry juice one consumption every day and feel its benefits.

4. Soothes the skin.

Benefits of fruit chery for beauty skin face next is useful for soothing the skin. And because of the benefits that a cherry fruit very suitable if to address inflammation on the skin.

5. Brighten the face skin

In the cherry fruit there is content that is useful to betakaroten mencerah facial skin. So, if you want to have a healthy facial skin and bright, You don't need to use cosmetics or facial care products are expensive, because only by consuming cherry fruit every day, you will feel the beauty of a natural face skin.

So if you want to have a beauty facial skin a natural cherry juice one consumption every day and feel its benefits. Good luck!

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Ginger Benefits for Health
Green Tea Benefits for Health
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Ginger Benefits For the Health

Ginger Benefits For the Health

Ginger Benefits For the Health

Do you know Ginger?
Ginger is one of the plant's Rhizome that is popular for use as a spice and as a medicinal ingredient. The rhizome of the finger-shaped bulging in the middle sections. The dominant flavors of spicy ginger because a ketone compound called zingeron.
Benefits of ginger can be used to serve as the body warmer. Especially in cold weather or on continuous rain. Very suitable to consume ginger so that the body becomes more warm. Ginger is also often made as the other can be used to warm the body.

Benefits of Ginger
Here are the benefits of ginger:

1.      Improve Blood Circulation
The first benefits of ginger is waging a blood circulation. Gingerol in ginger are anticoagulants that will prevent the occurrence of blood clotting. By preventing the blockage of blood vessels which is a major cause of stroke and heart attack as well.
2.      Cure the flatulence
Ginger extract is beneficial for those who often experience flatulence and pains. Ginger can also be harnessed to treat disorders of the digestive and intestinal irritation.
3.      treating migraines
A study shows ginger can stop the prostaglandin, prostaglandin which is one of the factors the causes of headaches. Thus, ginger may be to reduce migraine or headache.
4.      Cure fever and Cough
Gingerol in ginger previously already described may be waging a blood circulation, deposits of gingerol may also be used to reduce the fever and cough. Consume ginger means pressing the incidence of side effects such as that contained in the deposits of chemical drugs.
5.      Curing rheumatism
In the composition of the material there is ginger can reduce pain and reduce swelling in the themselves. Rheumatic diseases can be cured by using ginger. How to use it very easily, boiled some may appointment with ginger Rhizome, Java tea, chili, and the leaves are komfrey, then water decoction drunk two times a day.
6.      Diet Helper
Benefits of ginger are other diet can help. You can drink ginger juice on a regular basis. Ginger can help burn fat on the stomach and reduces your appetite.
7.      prevent irregular menstrual period
Benefits of ginger, one of them to maintain the regularity of the menstrual periode for women. In China for example, ginger which is then mixed with sugar in tea was consumed to reduce the sense of the cramps at the time of menstruation.
8.      Lowering your cholesterol
On a number of studies that have shown by consuming ginger are able effectively to reduce the absorption of cholesterol in the blood and also the liver. Gingerol content contained in ginger also has the effect of anticoagulant that is capable to prevent the occurrence of blood clotting. Content on ginger may stimulate the release of the hormone adrenaline, which in turn can facilitate the flow of blood circulation.
9.      Pain Remover
In a clinical trial can be concluded that ginger can apparently eliminate pain as I mentioned above, improves movement in the joints, as well as reduce the swelling associated with rheumatoid arthritis. Benefits of ginger more may also be to help relieve lower back pain and headaches such as migraines.

Well that's an amazing ginger benefits for the health of the body. By consuming ginger routinely can be beneficial to treat toothache or can be used as acne medicine and so on.
Green Tea Benefits For the Health

Green Tea Benefits For the Health

Green Tea Benefits For the Health

Nutritional content of green tea
Tea is one of the dishes that are often presented to guests. In Indonesia itself there are several types of tea that can be found. For example, black tea, green tea, and several other tea. And the type of tea that has a high benefit is green tea.
In addition to having a delicious flavor, green tea is also known to have benefits for the health of the body. Green tea contains antioxidants that can resist the poison that will go into our body. Green tea also contains vitamin E and vitamin C are beneficial to strengthen the resistance of the body, skin health, and the health of the hair. Indonesian are often drank green tea because green tea has a taste that fits on the drinking in all situations.

Benefits of Greentea for the Health
Here are some of the benefits of green tea for health:

1.      Skin Treatment
Green tea can keep healthy skin naturally. That is because the green tea can later defended our skin from ultraviolet rays so indirectly by consuming green tea can often make us avoid diseases of skin cancer. Besides being able to prevent cancers of the skin, green tea also proved to be able to make our skin stay healthy.
2.      Fat Burner
Green tea may help reduce absorption of fat in the body so that it is automatically the number of references in the body will be reduced. Additionally, on green tea also contains polyphenols that help burn fat.
3.      Maintaining Dental Health
You should clean your teeth regularly, if not then your teeth will be damaged such as holes, crusty and sore teeth. Green tea helps kill the bacteria or viruses that cause many diseases of the teeth. In addition, the water used to rinse the tea can kill the bacteria that caused of stinky breath.
4.      Green Tea Can Help You Lose Weight
Green tea will help process the body's natural metabolism and help burn your fat builds up in the abdomen, thighs, arms and parts that easily accommodate body fat. Regular consumption of green tea per day to burn up to 70 calories in a single day and helps lose weight up to 7 kg in one year. Although a bit, you can combine the diet with regular exercise and avoiding junk foods.
5.      Can Help You Improve Your Immune
Antioxidants known as flavonoids found in green tea. Flavonoids are working together with the polyphenols in terms of improving human immune system so the body is stronger in the fight against bacterial infection or viral disease.
6.      Strengthens Your Bones
In addition to the diseases of joints and bones, green tea is also believed by experts as an herbal alternative to strengthen and maintain bone density. This is due to the high content of fluoride found in green tea that helps maintain bone density per day.

That's the benefit of drinking tea, with a cheap price, tea is also a lot of benefits to our body. There have been many proof why don't we try?
Millions of benefit in Lemon for health

Millions of benefit in Lemon for health

Millions of benefit in Lemon for health

Lemon became one of the many Orange variant enjoyed, and also used in a number of beauty treatments are natural. Lemon sour taste, but very refreshing. Lemon juice is often made as a mixture in a wide variety of cuisines. But it turns out that the lemon is very good also for the health of the body. The following reviews more about lemon benefits for health.

Benefits of Lemon
Benefits of lemon, very good for maintaining the health of the body. Some of which are as follows:

1.      Launch the digestion
Disposal of the rest of the digestive tract can be easier with the consumption of lemon juice on a regular basis. Lemon enhance Peristaltic movement in the stomach, helps bowel movements regularly so eliminating bodily wastes properly. Lemon like blood purifiers and cleaning agent, so a good drink after lunch or dinner. Lemon also helps other digestive problems such as nausea when rising stomach acid, but be careful because lemon does not fit in with the milk. Add lemon juice into warm water and drink as the first thing in the morning.

2.      Stabilize high blood pressure
Potassium content in a lemon equals on bananas, which is very good is consumed by sufferers of heart disease. Potassium control high blood pressure, dizziness and nausea, since it provides a calming sensation for both mind and body. so lemon is widely used to reduce mental stress and depression.

3.      Overcoming a sore throat
Not only the plants and herbs such as ginger which is able to relieve coughs, but lemon is great for tackling diseases of tonsillitis (throat). Simply gargle with warm water that has been added with one teaspoon of lemon juice. For coughs and colds, provide warm water which has been added a little honey. For asthma, a half teaspoon of lemon juice, with a cup of warm water before eating.

4.      Stop Internal bleeding
Content of antiseptic in the lemon was able to stop the internal bleeding in the body. Dip a small cotton swab in the lemon juice and put it into the nose, to stop the bleeding at the nose.

5.      Take care of oral health
Lemon can be used in routine cleaning of the teeth, but keep the toothpaste containing lemon on the eyes. Lemon juice can be applied on the part of the tooth that hurts, it can help in getting rid of the pain. That jam, lemon also eliminates bad breath can come from a variety of ailments and conditions gums.

6.      Detoxify toxins in the body
Sometimes the food we consume, not all of which contain substances that either. The dangerous toxins and substances accumulate in the body, it is not good for health. Consume the lemon juice, helps eliminate toxins and remove it along with the rest of the metabolism of the other. Lemon juice is a blood purifier because it helps the body to remove toxins. He also has anti-cancer compounds 22 and slows the growth of cancer tumors. After radiation and chemotherapy, she can eliminate the traces of residual radiation and purifies the blood. Lemon also support the immune system and good as an anti depressant.

7.      Vitamin C helps reduce weight
In wrote in the article published in the "Journal of the American College of Nutrition" in 2005, vitamin C is inversely proportional to the mass of the body. The researchers showed that the results, intake of vitamin C helps the body enough trigger a series of chemical reactions that break down body fat and is useful as an energy.

Hopefully useful!

5 benefits of cheese for health you never assume before

5 benefits of cheese for health you never assume before

5 benefits of cheese for health you never assume before

Healthy Nice Cheese
Who does not know the cheese? Cheese is a food that is derived from the fermented milk clots. Yet no one knows about the origin of the real cheese, but research shows that Europeans are peoples that have key role in spread of food. Health benefits of cheese to primarily help to meet the needs of the B vitamins, the strength of the teeth, and avoid osteoporosis.

How to enjoy a Cheese so good for health
The cheese has a variety of types and forms. As a semi-soft cheese, hard cheese, fresh cheese, blue cheese, cheese that is part of the Peel is washed, and processed cheese. Each of these cheeses contain different nutrients, such as cottage cheese which belong to the kind of fresh cheeses have casein protein that is much needed muscle tissue, and some other types of cheeses contain calcium that is higher than another.
In order to obtain results that are more healthy, it's good you are researching the quality of the content is in it compared how much cheese you consume. Choose low-fat cheese if you want to avoid high fat and calories.
After selecting cheese where you consume, try mixing the cheese with a variety of healthy foods such as lean meat, fruit and vegetables. For example, mixing low-fat cream cheese with broccoli and salmon, semi soft cheese with an Apple, or with pieces of bread and chicken breast.
Cheese is not only tasty, but also has many benefits for the health of the body. Cheese consumption can help in meeting the needs of calcium, protein, phosphorus and other minerals and vitamins your body needs. However, it also contains cheese calories and fat. Therefore, keep scrupulous in choosing and eating cheese.
Benefits of Cheese for Health
Health benefits of cheese for the following:

1. Strengthen Teeth and bones
Judging from the material essence, namely milk, cheese is a very high source of calcium. When consuming the cheese regularly then it is natural when we have strong bones. In addition, calcium, phosphorus, and protein in cheese good for dental health. Although not yet 100 percent research stated that, however several studies claim that cheeses such as cheddar and mozarella cheese can help in prevention of damage or the fragility of the teeth and make the teeth become stronger. Because the substances are good, then it is recommended for children who are currently in a growth period for eating cheese for the growth of bones and teeth.
2. Prevent Cancer
Inside there is cheese good acid called linoleic acid and Sphingolipids. The content of both is very beneficial for preventing cancer, because the two substances is anti-carcinogenic, meaning to kill carcinogenic substances. In addition to the two aforementioned content, cheese also has plenty of vitamin B are very good in keeping the immune system.
3. Gain weight is ideally
In addition to a very high calcium content, it turns out that cheese also has the fat content and the protein that arguably good. For you who want to raise the weight, consume the cheese will be very beneficial in fattening body. Nice addition to fattening weight, you will also be stable thanks to the balanced content of a piece of cheese.
4. Launch of menstruation
who are experiencing problems when menstruation or menstruation, you can begin to consume the cheese regularly. The content of calcium in cheese trigger contractions of the uterus that will streamline the process of spending in the womb so that dirt from the menstruation you become more fluent.
5. Healthy skin and hair
Consume cheese is beneficial also for maintaining healthy skin and hair. The content of vitamin B contained in cheese good for hair growth and makes the skin more soft look.

